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Here are some recipes used regularly here at La Darnoire. No, they're not for food. For brevity, I will assume you know something about home brewing and have the basic equipment. You may find these interesting:


Apple Cider

If you have an orchard-full of apples, making cider is one way to preserve the goodness of your crop. (Another way is to dry some by using a DIY food dehydrator). Even if you don't have an orchard, all is not lost. When we lived in the UK we found lots of wild apple trees during our countryside walks, and as nobody else seemed interested in this free food, we took full advantage.

(Click photos to enlarge)

The cider-making process starts by breaking up the apples into smaller pieces. One way of doing this is by putting the apples into a large bucket or wooden box, and using a clean spade to chop them up. A less labour-intensive method is to use a machine called a scratter. Here's how I made mine: DIY scratter

Once your apples are in small pieces, they need to be pressed. One can either purchase a small cider press or you can make your own. I chose the latter option: DIY cider press

The resultant apple juice is then preserved by turning it into cider (I believe this is called "hard cider" in the US). Here's how you make it: apple cider recipe


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