
And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust…

Yet another little bunny turned its toes up this morning. That leaves five. And, to keep it company, the male from the previous litter died as well. This weather is wreaking havoc on our bunny population.

Oh, and telephone and internet access? (insert maniacal laughter here). No.

Tomorrow we’re off to BricoDepot again for some further supplies; for example some rolls of insulation for the rest of the barn roof.
LSS did a load of washing today, then informed me that the washing machine wasn’t finishing its cycle, but remained full of water. She had to leave for an English class, so I donned my washing-machine-repairman hat and had a look. It transpired that one of LSS’s socks had found its way inside the machine, and had become wrapped around the pump’s impeller, jamming up the works. Once removed, the machine worked fine again.

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