
I’m pleased to report little chicky has survived, and is eating and drinking normally. (S)he is becoming more accustomed to us, and now whenever we arrive at the rabbit cage home, we are greeted with lots of cheeping.

The Livebox is still going up and down like a yo-yo. Through the satellite internet, connection was established with customer service, who called LSS’s mobile.
“But an engineer visited you on the 15th!” said the Orange Customer Service (there’s an oxymoron for you) representative.
“No they didn’t. We were home all day and nobody turned up.”
“Oh! Let me just check the address. Ah. That’s the problem: there’s no house number provided! Just *Road Name*.”
“In that case how is it possible the previous engineers found us? And your information is incorrect anyway. That *Road Name* is about four kilometres away. The address is simply ‘La Darnoire’. It’s an old farm.”
Directions were then given, with a request that these details be noted on the account.
“An engineer will be with you on Tuesday next week.”

Yes, of course they will.

Payal donations are now being gratefully accepted for a much-needed holiday. Or a one-way ticket for two to the Bahamas; we’re not fussy.

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