I prepared the kitchen window for removal, ready for installation of the new pvc double-glazed unit. I constructed two replacement side frames out of some scrap timber (the only bits I could find which were not riddled with woodworm, and of suitable length), and LSS gave them a coat of wood primer. These side frames are necessary because not only is the replacement pvc window slightly narrower, but the existing wood frame also supports the metal shutters on the outside.
We’ve had so much rain recently that the two rainwater barrels which receive the flow from the gutters have had to be emptied three times. This has been done by the simple expedient of connecting the hosepipe to each tap in turn, and running the other end of the hosepipe down to the pond. We’re having to do this because the fittings to connect the barrels together have still not turned up.
Wildlife diary: Finally caught a sight of the barn owl which appears to be nesting in the roof of the garage. I wouldn’t mind so much if it stopped leaving its white guano all over the workbench.